Hip-hop vs. Mahraganat Song-lyrics: A Content Analysis Study

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Nile University


This study investigated the similarities and differences between the themes of two well-acknowledged and trendy music genres, namely, American hip-hop and Egyptian Mahraganat. The study data consisted of the most listened to 60 songs across 2020-2022, according to Spotify music application, with 30 songs for each genre. Two corpora, one for each genre song lyrics, were compiled and content analysis was implemented by using AntConc software which helped in identifying the most frequent content words in each genre. Then the most frequent content words were classified into categories based on the semantic relationships between them. Determining the different categories included in the lyrics of each music genre uncovered the main themes prevalent in each. Finally, these themes were compared against each other to highlight the similarities and differences between the two music genres. Findings revealed that there were two major common themes, violence and gangsterdom and drugs and drinking and one contradicting theme, condemning versus celebrating the neighbourhood, between the hip-hop and the Mahraganat music genres.

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